Monday, April 4, 2011

hair re-trained after braids

i'm so gad i came out of the braids that i wore the last month or so.  they've been out a week now and my hair is finally starting to bounce back.   it's almost like i've had to re-train m hair on being free.  my twist outs weren't working so good, but my hair is definitely starting to take to them.  i've been in my current twist out for 3 days now and i've went to the gym 2 of those days, but its still looking good.

everyday i wake up at 5am thinking please, please, please let my hair not look to crazy.  thankfully, its been just fine, i do a super quick re-fluff and head out the door for my morning workout.  my workout starts with running 2 to 3 miles, then either the stepper or bike for 20 minutes then weight training and sit ups.  by the time i leave the gym everyday i'm dripping with sweat.  i plan on washing my hair either 2morow or the next day for sure!

i'm in love with my hair!